About Us
Pacific Nickel Mines (ASX:PNM) is an ASX listed Direct Ship Ore (DSO) nickel producer, with two projects located on Isabel Island, Solomon Islands. The Company holds an 80% shareholding in both the Kolosori and Jejevo Nickel Projects, with the local landowners associated with each project retaining the reaming 20%.
Pacific Nickel Mines is committed to strengthening the Solomon Island communities by acting on environmental, social and governance factors. These values are vital to ensuring the ongoing success and sustainability of the business. The Company has valid Surface Access Agreements (SAA) with Landowners for the Kolosori and Jejevo Projects.
Pacific Nickel completed a stringent and thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Kolosori Project location, with local environmental consultants engaged. The assessment provided an in-depth analysis of water sampling, ecology, and cultural heritage views to ensure suitable and sustainable locations were chosen for the wharf, camp, and stock piling areas.
The Kolosori Project is a Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) processing, which means this eliminates any need for on-site processing and tailing dam, which would greatly impair the surrounding environment. In addition, the Company was able to reconfigure stockpiles areas, which led to less land being cleared for additional stockpiles than was expected under the EIA.
The Company has commenced an extensive nursery program, which will see mined areas fully rehabilitated following the completion of mining at the Kolosori Project.

Community Engagement
A key consideration for the board and management is providing support for local communities. The Local landowners are aligned with the company through their 20% interest at the project level carried to first production at both Kolosori and Jejevo, and Pacific Nickel has also issued equity to traditional owners as additional consideration. This is integral to ensuring that our values are aligned with the local stakeholders.
Awareness meetings with local villages are a vital component of our community engagement process, ensuring all parties are across our activities and provides a platform for questions to be raised. We are regularly in contact with local landowners to ensure their interests are protected as we progress mining operations. The Company looks forward to delivering further employment opportunities for the local workforce as the activity progresses as well as supporting community-based programs.
Local Employment
Throughout the Kolosori project life, Pacific Nickel Mines has opted to employ a local work force, providing skills training when needed, which was paramount to the business and has proven to be extremely successful practice during the COVID climate, allowing the company to progress its operations.
Making sure our local workforce has the correct training and skills is paramount to the business’s success, as it not only ensures their safety but improves the Company’s productivity. Currently the Kolosori Nickel Project employs up to 400 people with 350 being employed locally from the Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands Government
The Company is extremely familiar with the Regulatory Framework within the Solomon Islands, including an in depth understanding of the processes relating to applying for and gaining all necessary approvals and licences required to carry out business activities in the Solomon Islands.
The Company has the support of the National Government to progress it’s Solomon Island Nickel Projects.